FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)
Team 78 - AIR STRIKE
Aquidneck Island Robotics started with Team 78 - AIR Strike.
FRC is a varsity-equivalent robotics competition where students in 8th through 12th grade work alongside engineering mentors to build competitive machines.
Our success is founded on teamwork. The complex nature of the robots that we build demands it.
We learn from our past mistakes and successes, as well as those of others. Tried and true principles drive our design process.
Our ideas don’t always work out the first time! Continued refinement of the best ideas leads to successful robots. We fail fast, communicate our learnings to the team and move on with the best ideas.
Students gain exposure to a variety of engineering disciplines including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and software development. Project management and business-related skills are also gained throughout the build season. Below are a few examples of the robotic sub-systems that make up a competition FIRST® FRC Robot.
Mechanical Subsystems
Manipulator / Shooter
Climbing mechanism
Electrical Subsystems
12V Power
Pneumatic solenoids
Software Subsystems
Teleoperated robot control
Autonomous routine
PID Loops
Vision systems